Google Reverse Image Search

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How Does Google Reverse Image Search Work?

As an SEO/PPC company, we’ve seen countless websites with the same overused stock photos. Eventually, it became a game for us! “Spot the Headset Girl” and “Where’s the Serious Guy Today.”

Google reverse image search allows you to search with an image rather than written keywords. When you reverse image search, Google finds websites, images, and information related to your photo. Visit and click “Images” at the top right. Click the tiny camera graphic in the search box. This allows you to search by image. Now you have two options: Either drag the image from a website into the search bar, or upload your own image. We uploaded Headset Girl since we previously saved it to our desktop. . Search Image after been snapped with the camera. Save you favorite or Search Image. Fastest Image Downloader. By giving one of the above options you will get all Images relevant to the given Image or reference images. And all these methods will easily and efficiently supported by Google image search engine. Reverse Image Search Features. Google Reverse image search meta allows you to discover visually similar or related images to the sample one. Find the Original Sources of Images. If you want to find an image source to give the proper credit to the owner of the image, but had difficulty in discovering who the original creator is then the image source finder tool is the best.

We thought it would make a killer interactive contest. Unfortunately, before we had a chance to implement our contest, Google launched the reverse image search feature.

Google Reverse Image SearchGoogleGoogle Reverse Image SearchGoogle Reverse Image Search

So much for our game.

Google Reverse Image Search On Iphone

However, lemons… lemonade.
Que sera sera.

Google Reverse Image Search Android

We thought we’d take this opportunity to show you How To Use the Reverse Image Search and demonstrate how it rendered our contest useless.

Let’s use Headset Girl as our example.

1. First, take a screenshot of the picture you want to hunt down and save it to your desktop.

2. Visit and click “Images” at the top right.

3. Click the tiny camera graphic in the search box. This allows you to search by image.

4. Now you have two options: Either drag the image from a website into the search bar, or upload your own image. We uploaded Headset Girl since we previously saved it to our desktop.

Google Reverse Image Search Mac


Here’s a sampling of the companies that thought headset girl would properly reflect their businesses:

Google Reverse Image Search Engine App

Headset girl – one of the hardest working women in stock photography. What stock photos do you see abused across the internet?